Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Profanity - What The F*** Is Wrong With It!?!

It is really wierd what I experienced the other day....we were having a casual chat....and this friend of mine used the "F" word(as everyone likes to call it!) and to my surprise, another friend of mine flinched and put her hands over her ears! I mean....being in the BMW(my version of the Big Mad World!), it is important to adjust to all kinds of people around you, and it is plain infuriating that there are some people who still behave this way!

And frankly, I do not understand what all the fuss is about! People have just over-hyped the whole thing....atleast that's what I think.


Anonymous said...

I'd have to actually very strongly disagree with you. If you cant say what you want to without resorting to profanity , then chances are it isn't worth saying. Just a comment: Profanity is an uneducated man's adjective. put it another way, if you think you need profanity to make your point, then chances are your point is meaningless.

Apologies if you think this comes across as very strong but in a world where we're all from good backgrounds and such, getting irritated by a person who is irritated when someone acts profane is just ridiculous!

Gaya said...

Hmmm...well what I have to say is that words are invented to convey every emotion that a person experiences. And when a person is really angry, there is nothing wrong if the person resorts to profanity!

I mean....I do agree that using profanity just to sound "COOL" is plain stupid....but otherwise, it's okay!

Anonymous said...

The thing is then we need to put up a dual personality. Would you use such words at work, or in the presence of people you aren't very familiar with? No. And this results in us acting quite differently in situations that don't really call for acting differently. If profanity is alright, it must be alright anywhere anytime. Why are you selective if you think it's okay?

It's obviously not welcome in most of the places for a reason (some of them highlighted in my previous comment). I'm not trying to argue, I'm just attempting to understand your reasoning (which I'm not convinced about!).

Gaya said...

Come to think of it....even the most plain people have dual personalities! Oh well but that's not the point here, is it!?!

I think using profanity actually helps you to relieve stress and tension, and however wrong you may think my statement is, it is actually true!

If you are at work, profanity can actually help you release pent up frustrations! Suppose you have a really irritating boss.Profanity may actually help you to bond with your associates.

Anonymous said...

Well, I can say that isn't true! I don't believe profanity relieves stress and tension, definitely not for me and definitely not something you can generalize like that!

Swearing at people, bosses, could actually get you into trouble. You say it can help you vent your frust. Is that truly the best way? I shall quote me again, "Profanity is an uneducated man's adjective."

Just my thoughts...