Monday, June 28, 2010

The Auto of Death

7:00 P.M show. Toy Story 3 at Sathyam. Awe-freakin'-some. My brother and I are standing outside our building, waiting for an auto at 6:15 P.M. You see, I'm a stickler for punctuality in every situation except when it comes to classes. Anyway, after haggling with about 5 auto-rickshaw wallas, the 6th one agreed to transport us for a measly price of 90 Rupees only(Saligramam to Sathyam...yeah yeah I know I got ripped off!).

Auto no. 6 looked like all other autos, except it wasn't. We knew that the auto-rickshaw driver was a big fan of the movie Aethiree the moment he started driving. Remember how the comedian Vivekh, an auto-rickshaw driver in the movie, does all kinds of stunts with the auto? I couldn't find a video online, so just imagine an auto on a roller coaster circuit. While watching the movie, I did laugh at that silly scene. But ladies and gentlemen, sitting in such an auto takes away all the laughter from you. I guarantee that.

The driver kept humming and whistling Annamalai songs. No problem. The driver had Rajnikanth photos covering the entire inner surface area of the auto-rickshaw. Still, no problem. The driver starts driving like a drunk crazy monkey and screams obscenities at others, ie, sane people. Problem. At one point, he missed a Swift by an inch. It was so close my brother thought he'd end up on top of the Swift. Or under it. After 25 torture filled minutes, we jumped out of the auto and paid the guy. Oh, and when he was driving away...sorry, RASH DRIVING away, we noticed that the number on the number plate read "6666" which is almost as good as "666". Coincidence? I think not!

The movie made up for the auto ride though. Toy Story 3 was awesome! Seriously, the second sequel of most series end up being damp squibs. But this one was brilliant. The plot is simple. Andy is going to college. He has to decide what to do with all his toys. He decides to put them in the attic. However, his mother donates the toys to daycare by-mistake. Though Woody wants to come back and be there for Andy, the other toys decide that it would be better to stay at a place where they'll be played with and loved. After Woody leaves to unite with Andy, the toys realize that there may be more than meets the eye when it comes to the other "friendly" toys at the daycare center.

Superb storyline, amazing animation, and lots of laughs - Toy Story 3 is a thoroughly enjoyable watch.


mathangi said...

ha ha ... nice one! its even worse when they try to smoke and drive.

Gaya said...

haha I know man...they act like they are the next Vijay!