Thursday, October 13, 2011


She stands last in the line,
Unassuming, looking so damn fine,
No one else gives her a look-see,
And so by default, she belonged to me.

I walked up to her, feeling quite unsure,
What if she turned out to be a big bore?
I picked her up and we went to a quiet place,
I could not stop staring at her face.

She looked pristine, brittle and mellow,
Dressed in white and a subtle yellow,
With specks of black here and there,
I had to handle her with tender care.

I dared to slowly caress her,
She liked it, she did not deter,
Her soft exterior blew my mind,
Her body took shapes, undefined.

And as I bent down to take a taste,
My inane thoughts were replaced,
And I knew there was only one thing to do,
Scream out in ecstasy, "Pongal, I love you"!

P.S.: Pongal is an extremely delicious rice preparation. No one really likes it because it is over-shadowed by popular dishes such as dosa or vada. Although after reading something so weird, I don't think anyone would ever want to eat pongal again...ever :P
Btw my love affair with pongal began in college. And I still love it.


Frog bomb said...

Eeewww! Of all things you you euphemised Pongal ! SICCCKKKOOO! :P

Gaya said...

@Frog bomb: I know right? :D And it works I hope :P

Anonymous said...

HAHA.... finally you put your feelings about pongal down....

Gaya said...

@Spoyler: Of course I did :D

sharika nair said...

Love the poem fellow Pongal lover:)

Gaya said...

@Sharika: Thanks mate :D Pongal lovers forever *hi5*!!!

Darsh said...

Hahaha I cannot believe Pongal became a lust-filled object. Very creatively written, albeit a little creepy hahaha. Hello from Malaysia btw.

Gaya said...

@Darsh: Hello and welcome! Great to have a new reader :)
Btw yes, the poem is creepy but you should know, my love for pongal isn't ;)

nitesh said...

I don't think I can eat pongal ever again. :P

Gaya said...

@Nitesh: Muahahahahaha *evil laugh* :D

ubergeek said...

FYI, its my breakfast at A2B or upsouth everyday here! :D given that i read your euphemism now, OMG! :D

P.S : If u need some help with awesome pongal outlets at bangalore, you can ping me! :P

Gaya said...

@Venki: WOW I have been talking to the wrong set of ppl in Blore...noone misses pongal! A ping is on its way :D