Sunday, July 04, 2010

Happy me :)

Yes yes, it's my birthday today :) My 21st. So legally, I'm allowed to get married, get drunk, get laid. But I will not do any of those things, no siree! I shall spend my time at home, eating all my favorite dishes that were made by mom...ah, homemade food! I love this kind of "good girl"celebration too, mind you!

So, last night, I was on the brink of Dream-land when my friends started calling in succession. It was so nice to speak to them...though there was more of slurring as opposed to speaking on my part. And there were few messages that made me smile so so wide. It was amazing. I'm so glad to know I've such wonderful friends :) Love you guys!

And this morning, I was treated to so many notifications in Facebook. Man, it was so nice that people remembered my birthday, although I tend to forget everyone's birthday :P
And this afternoon, my sweet, amazing brother ordered a pizza and played "Happy Birthday" on the keyboard, while I substituted a cake cutting ceremony with a pizza-cutting ceremony :D

All in all, an amazing birthday! Here's too an amazing 21. Hope I do something worthwhile this year!

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