Thursday, December 02, 2010

Guess who's back...ta-da-da....Back again!

The title of this post is inspired by Eminem's song "Without Me".

So I know I haven't been writing regularly. And this time I have no excuse at all. I mean, it has been more than 10 days since my vacations started!

So what have I been doing all this time? Good question. And the answer is: not much. Or that's the answer I give my friends. Truthfully speaking, I have been doing a little more than 'not much'. I have watched 13 movies since I came home, I have cooked 2 dishes entirely by myself without any help at all from my mother, I have almost finished reading a book, and I have started watching Frasier. Jam-packed schedule, huh?

Point is, I have decided to write more, so here I am. I promise(and I hope not to break it) to write a post everyday. That's right. Every single day. So help me God!

Readers, prepare yourselves for lot of reviews, pointless posts and (maybe) a broken promise, because I am back(cue theme music)!


Saravanan said...

13 movies in 10 days would ve been a trmendous feat during college working days :)
But does not holds good to be a great one if u are in vaction.

Let this post not be yet another "Back to Bloggin" kind....
Start your posts with the reviews of the book and the best of the 13 movies

Gaya said...

Haha yeah I know...should watch more :P

Have already started posting :D