Tuesday, September 27, 2011


My sound sleep was interrupted by my father's incessant attempts to wake me. Mother was in the kitchen making breakfast.

I heard mother screaming. It was time to wake up. I was getting late to go to the school. Father would be angry if I was late once more.

Mother kept pushing food down my throat. I threw a huge tantrum when I saw the amount of milk she had kept. My little brother and I fought over who got the smaller glass.

I watched mother divide the bread into unequal pieces. I wound up getting the smallest one. I ate it hungrily.

While I was taking a shower in the bathroom, mother was screaming because the bus was due to arrive any minute. I hastily stepped out and wore my ironed uniform.

I tried wiping the chutney stain off my dress. The water flow had reduced to just a trickle today. I hastily washed my face and hands, scared that the tap would shut off altogether.

Father stood with me at the bus stop and advised me about picking up my grades. I nodded and waited impatiently for the bus to come.

I heard father wake up from his drunken stupor. I grabbed my bag and ran out before he could see me. The last time I was late, I had my leg broken.

I got the window seat today, luckily. I sat beside my friend and we chatted nonstop about the copious amount of homework being doled out by the new teacher.

It was a long walk to school. I trudged along. My bag was unusually heavy today and the straps were cutting into my shoulders. Mother must have packed some more food today.

I waited impatiently for recess. There is only so much scribbling and passing chits one can do before mindless hunger takes over. I wanted to go to the stall outside and eat that divine green chutney sandwich. Mother had even given extra money today.

I reached the school just before lunch time. I set up the stall and waited for the bell to ring.


Saagar said...

Awesome!! loved the way in which u made it one story yet keeping a link of it being 2 different stories altogether.

Anonymous said...


Gaya said...

Thanks a lot Saagar! Glad you liked it.

Gaya said...

And thanks a lot Irene :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Gaya! Very well written. :)

Shyam said...

Very creative structuring and elegant handling of the plot, shows a writer's talent! All the best!

saravanan said...

awesome :) nice read!

Gaya said...

@Jithin: Thanks a lot :) Gload to see you're active in the blogosphere :D
@Shyam: Thanks for the compliment and do keep reading!
@Saravanan: Thanks!

Darsh said...

Wow very very creative. Love the way you wrote two stories in one go. I did something similar to this on my blog under 4am, 7 Days, 2 Stories. Matured content though but nothing like your Pongal poem haha

Gaya said...

@Darsh: Thanks for all the praise :) Matured is right...this is the first serious post I have written! Glad you liked it. Will visit your blog :)